Evolutionary & Predictive Astrology

becoming lunatics

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why you are here 

Welcome to a course designed to explore the most intimate, inner aspects of your world and empower you in all areas of life.

By the end of this course, enriched with the wisdom of the Moon, you will have engaged with the ephemeral energies of the Mother, Maiden, and Crone—energies that protect, nourish, and nurture both yourself and your relationships into fulfilling connections.

"Becoming Lunatics" aims to offer spiritual and astrological education for self-discovery and a deeper intimacy with life. With this knowledge, you can navigate Earth school deeply connected to the inner ocean of your soul. The ebbs and flows that sometimes feel overwhelming have a higher purpose, and you will learn how to understand and navigate these cycles from darkness to light.

Each phase of the Lunation cycle in your life reflects the ever-evolving state of our existence on Earth. This course will help you understand what each phase means, including the zodiac signs, the placement of the Moon, lunation cycles, and how to integrate them into your daily choices.

I hope that you connect deeply with the material, engaging emotionally with the archetypes and phases and embracing the transformation they bring.

This course is available anytime and is designed for self-paced learning. Monthly Zoom meetings will be held to provide guidance and answer questions as you progress through your transformation. 

The Becoming Lunatics community will be a space for reflection, renewal, and reassurance that you are not going crazy. We are born to feel, shape, and shift emotionally in this way.

"Becoming Lunar-tics" means aligning with the Moon and living in harmony with the natural rhythms of our lives.

See you soon,

Makayla <3

What you’ll learn

  • You will start with a full section of the course dedicated to understanding the core foundational symbol of the Moon. This will cover what the Moon represents in Astrology and how it connects to us humans on an emotional, physical, and energetic level.

    We will then explore the Moon through the 12 zodiac signs and house placements. This knowledge will help you understand not only your Moon’s placement but also that of others in your life.

    This foundational understanding is crucial, as all other aspects of astrology build from this ground up. You will experience all 12 archetypes/house placements at least once in your life.

  • This section focuses on how to work with the yearly New Moons, Full Moons, and Eclipses in your natal chart.

    These lunations are powerful tools for manifesting desires and releasing karmic ties. Understanding how these phases impact you makes them even more profound and effective.

    Each month, we have the opportunity to grow, plant seeds, and also release negative karmic weight. Additionally, we experience 2 to 6 sets of eclipses each year, tied to the New and Full Moons, representing heightened Universal power. These events often bring intense, life-changing shifts. We will delve into the reasons for eclipses, how to work with their energy, and how to interpret their placements in your natal chart.

  • This final section will help you understand the 8 phases of the lunation cycle and their meanings in your natal chart, through transits, and in the progressed lunation chart.

    Lunation phases serve as traditional guideposts, helping us understand our karmic development and the mood that influences our lives. This overarching mood deepens your connection to your sense of self and purpose in this lifetime.

    The progressed Moon is an ancient timing technique that highlights where to focus your emotional efforts and needs in a cycle that changes approximately every 2.5 years. Although this technique is advanced, you will be able to fully integrate this knowledge and apply it to various aspects of life, including health, family, career, love, and personal evolution.

Meet your cosmic teacher

Meet your cosmic teacher ✳


Makayla Davis, Evolutionary Astrologer, and Spiritual Coach, was first drawn to the Moon when she began her astrological studies. With a Cancer Midheaven and Moon, Jupiter, Ceres, and Chiron conjunction in Cancer's 9th House, Makayla knew Luna was destined to play a pivotal role in her professional life, guiding her in a deeply personal way.

As a 3/5 Generator with Emotional Authority, Makayla Navigates emotional tides through real-life experience. This depth of knowledge empowers her to guide you effectively through this course and her other offerings. 

Course FAQ

  • My course was developed to be studied at your own pace and returned to at any point in time. I understand that integration is an integral part of learning to live through our astrology chart, and not everything can be developed at once. Please choose to navigate the course at your own personal rhythms and pace of digestion.

  • On the first Monday of every month, I will hold a Zoom call entirely for those part of the becoming lunatics course. Please come ready to ask your questions live on Zoom. If you are unable to attend a Zoom call or want to submit your questions via email, make sure to email them to me 24hrs before the meeting so I can address them on the call.

  • Monthly meetups are designed for you to find connections through the astrology community and build a strong foundation to the knowledge provided in the course. Questions are helpful for discussions, processing astrological develeponment, sharing experiences and deepening your relationship to the course material.

  • This course and the monthly meetups should allow you the ability to create depth in your personal understanding of yourself, and a community where questions can be asked and answered as time progresses on. If you feel like you'd like more one to one work, please book an astrological live session where we can have a personall 1:1 session of your chart.

  • Monthly meetings will be held on the first Monday of every month. You will get a link upon purchase of your course to attend and recordings will be saved via patreon for those who aren't able to attend.