I am open again for new clients.

My readings are more than just examining celestial alignments and your energetic aura; they are a sacred and profound experience that enables recipients to understand their life's journey from a soul-centered perspective. The readings foster self-awareness, empowerment, and a deeper connection to the divine forces that shape our existence.

Whether it's for personal growth, self-discovery, forecasting life events, timing major choices, a birthday, an anniversary, or any special occasion, a gift certificate or reading presents an opportunity for recipients to explore the depths of their being, align with their soul's purpose, and navigate life's challenges with newfound clarity and wisdom.

These spiritual wisdoms are truly transformative gifts that resonate with those seeking spiritual growth, self-discovery, and a greater understanding of their place within the cosmic tapestry.

Unlock the celestial mysteries that await within their birth chart and offer yourself or others an experience that transcends time and space. Gift the soul the profound wisdom of any of my offerings and watch as the human experience begins to embark on a journey of self-discovery and soulful transformation. <3

Not sure what is aligned for you?

I am happy to answer emails/texts if you are unsure about which services or packages might be best. I know personally, that too many options can be daunting at times. If you choose to send me an email or voice audio, please give me a description of what you are experiencing currently, and looking to find awareness and answers to.

My personal recommendation is that these tools are not to be used as one-off readings, but rather as an ongoing coaching program until you want to fly on your own. This is both from my personal experience and the witnessing of clients aligning to their truth path, removing all blocks from happiness and personal growth.

You can ask questions about what is correct for you via email at makayla@scenicrouteastrology.com or by text/phone call at +1 (401) 996-3979

Make sure to follow both my Youtube and Instagram platforms for notices when my monthly LIVE New & Full Moon webinars will be held.

service Descriptions


Evolutionary Astrology studies the deepest unconscious desires of the soul. In this reading, I will study your soul’s journey from past lives into the present. By understanding your birth chart and conversation, we will discover the awareness of the unconscious patterns in your psyche. This knowledge allows you to understand the reasons for experiences around you, what your soul's mission is in your current lifetime, and resolutions to remove any blocks. I utilize the astrological symbols in your birth chart because this is specific to you and you alone. 

 This type of astrological reading asks the individual to dive deeply into soul work. I encourage the individual to be ready and willing for transformation if needed. Together, we can heal wounds passed from ancestral trauma or current life and overcome obstacles to reach desires and goals. As your astrological guide, I will help you navigate your unique circumstances with a deeper awareness of underlying motivations, emotions, and drives to encourage the most profound evolutionary growth. This reading is suitable for anyone, with any background in astrology or spirituality, or having none at all.

Spiritual Coaching

Private spiritual coaching sessions and energy check-ins support individuals towards difficult times, manifesting goals and overcoming obstacles while co-creating with the universe. My approach is direct and reflective feedback so that you can accelerate your personal growth. 

This appointment is for you if you are experiencing any of the following. You are experiencing energy blocks; If you are moving through emotional or physical trauma; If you feel lost; If you want to learn more about the Universe; If you want to deepen your connection to God/Source; If you want to learn how to tap into your psychic gifts; If you want to strengthen your relationships; If you are looking for change; If you want to evolve With your permission and openness, I will channel your spirit team during these sessions. If you are already an Astrology client, I may also utilize your chart, but these appointments are not necessary. If you are looking for spiritual coaching with astrological work but have not had an evolutionary astrology reading with me, please book one of the astrological sessions first.

Human Design

Human Design has become the mothership of accessing personal potential in a practical application to daily life. This incredible science combines the knowledge of Astrology, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, iChing, and Chakras to formulate your energetic bodygraph, a map of your unique genetic design. Through a reading with me (education) you will be guided on how to experiment (actually implement) the correct way for you to make decisions and navigate living to enhance every aspect of your life. This reading focuses on your natural talents, skills, and potential for actualizing the highest potential of your bodygraph.

Everyone has an energetic aura that surrounds them, stemming 3-6 feet outside of themselves. Beyond that aura, is everything you could possibly want to have and manifest, but many of us don’t know how to grasp it, achieve it or even keep it when it becomes close enough.

This knowledge awakens your inner wisdom and power and is lifelong knowledge that can last forever. It helps in quick decision-making, de-conditioning from limiting and outside beliefs, improves the quality of your life, and relieves stress from all aspects of life so you can become less overwhelmed.

If you would like improved relationships, better professional environments, and higher quality of life & health (and all of this just scratches the surface), a Human Design reading is the correct choice.

Intuitive Tarot

Tarot, also known as “Cartomancy,” is an ancient esoteric knowledge that has lived as far back as the 14th century. Once a divination tool only used by traveling “gypsies,” it has now become an expansive known wisdom deck that can offer guidance, insight, and symbolism with an openness for the imagination. Thus, when we use the Tarot deck, we can find a synchronized connection between the cards we pull and the current psychological condition we are experiencing. This session is best for brainstorming or seeking immediate guidance around a certain topic or situation.

*Right now I am not offering tarot to new clients so that I may focus on the matters of Astrology, Coaching and Human Design.

Book an appointment.