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Limited Time Only

Becoming Lunatics - Eclipse Sale
One time

As an Eclipse Tier member, you will receive access to everything in the Full Moon Tier, as well as support from Makayla live via Zoom once a month for 6 months. Plus, the access to the private learning community and group video content. This is the FULL MOON Tier at a limited discount rate.

✓ Over 6 hours of video instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 1:1 Group Mentorship Sessions
✓ Access to the learning community/monthly videos

Choose your plan

Half Moon Tier
One time
For 2 months

Dive into the becoming lunatics course, available for a self-study home pace. This tier only includes the course, not the monthly meetups. 6 Months of Monthly Meetups are NOT included in this price. Monthly meetup addition can be applied at any time after purchase for a 10$ monthly access fee.

✓ Over 6 hours of instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Full Moon Tier
One time
For 2 months

As a Full Moon Tier member, you will receive access to everything in the Half Moon Tier, as well as support from Makayla live via Zoom once a month for 6 months PLUS access to the private learning community and group video content.

✓ Over 6 hours of instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 1-1 Group Mentorship Sessions
✓ Access to the learning community/Monthly Videos
Becoming Lunatics - Eclipse Sale
One time

As an Eclipse Tier member, you will receive access to everything in the Full Moon Tier, as well as support from Makayla live via Zoom once a month for 6 months. Plus, the access to the private learning community and group video content. This is the FULL MOON Tier at a limited discount rate.

✓ Over 6 hours of video instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 1:1 Group Mentorship Sessions
✓ Access to the learning community/monthly videos

Empowerment in all of life

Life can be hard asking for what you need, what you want, and what you know you deserve. Self-empowerment and autonomy over your life begins when you discover who you really are first. This takes some deep inner investigation, and then some tools and humans, such as myself, to validate you aren’t going crazy asking for what you need or want.

Let’s validate that little human inside of you, that is so deeply looking to feel connection. That part of you that knows what it would feel like to have a life that always feels safe and at home.

What you’ll learn

Makayla davis

Makayla Davis, Evolutionary Astrologer and Spiritual Coach, was first drawn to the Moon when she began her astrological studies. With a Cancer Midheaven and Moon, Jupiter, Ceres, and Chiron conjunction in Cancer's 9th House, Makayla knew Luna was destined to play a pivotal role in her professional life, guiding her in a deeply personal way.

As a 3/5 Generator with Emotional Authority, Makayla Navigates emotional tides through real-life experience. This depth of knowledge empowers her to guide you effectively through this course and her other offerings. 

Sign up to the mailing list for the launch of Becoming Lunatics and be one of the first to work 1:1 with Makayla through your evolutionary journey.

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