• Many of the truths we cling to, depend on our point of view



  • Astrology

    My readings begin with the evolutionary approach but don’t end there. I can also help with solar returns, progressions, solar arcs, predictive work, synastry, and composite charts (relationships). I also use asteroids and progressed lunar phases in all readings.

    Astrology is an old and wise ancient practice used to discover deeper parts of ourselves. Astrology can uncover karmic patterns, and unconscious behavioral traits, and be used to timely navigate life according to the current personal planetary cycles impacting our natal charts.

  • Spiritual coaching

    Spiritual coaching is best for those looking for validation or realignment on their path. I do suggest an evolutionary astrology or human design reading is booked first, and spiritual coaching sessions booked afterward as energetic check-ins.

    With spiritual coaching, we can begin to integrate the knowledge presented in your Astrology & Human Design charts into practice and daily use.

  • Tarot & Oracle Decks

    Let us use your spiritual team to bring forth the right messages with various tarot & oracle decks. These sessions are best for insights into specific questions such as major career changes, relocations, or relationship dynamics.

    I am the author of the Sacral Chakra Oracle Deck, available as a limited edition. This fantastic deck serves to help manifest money, relationships, creativity, and sexuality. You can purchase yours by directly emailing me since they are limited edition.

  • Human Design

    This scientific system developed by Ra Uru Hu in 1987 provides one of the most profound ways I have discovered to lead a human to their natural path and ultimate life alignment journey. Human Design combines the teachings of Astrology, the Chakra system, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and I Ching to measure exactly who you are and were born to be.

    These readings teach you your specific types of intuition, how your energy flows so you can optimize work and life, what personal gifts you were born with and should amplify, and the most authentic place of self-expression to easily manifest your dream life.

subscribe to youtube.

The easiest way to learn and connect to my work is via, YouTube. I make videos when the energy calls me to share astrological wisdom and education. Make sure to subscribe & hit the notifications bell.

astrobash 2024 - I’m Returning!

Last year I spoke on the Moon through the 12 Archetypes at the AstroBash Evolutionary Astrology conference in Borrego Springs, California September 28th to October 1st.

& in 2024, I will be speaking again!

You can register to attend in person or online here.

In the meantime, check out my interview, and the interviews of the other speakers who attended this fun event in 2023!

In partnership with luna astrology

Take your chart reading skills to the next level. The Scenic Route Astrology partners with those who help make astrology alive and meaningful to the world.

LunaAstrology offers a beautiful, easy-to-use software program where you can store multiple charts, watch your transits, calculate solar arcs, progressions, and so much more! At a very affordable rate (+cancel anytime!)

Receive 10% off when you use the code, Makayla.